Choosing a good domain name matters for success in the web-space. The domain names help businesses in establishing an online identity on the Word Wide Web. And the online enterprises should carefully choose domain names for the business.
While Choosing Domain Names
So, how to choose a good domain name for the website? Some may be confused and not know, whether to choose a short or a long domain name, for their business.
Well. Keeping the domain names short and simple is very important. Name of the business/website and the domain name should not confuse the Internet users in any manner; hence, it is important that the enterprises choose a similar/identical name for both. So that people could recognize/identify their brand, products, and services easily.
Short domain names are easy to remember/memorize. People should find the domain names easier to type, without spelling errors. And, to make things simple, businesses should also try to avoid punctuation marks (dashes etc), abbreviations/acronyms and other symbols while making a business domain name.
Fancy Domain Names? Never. Get into the Shoes of Customers
While finding a domain name, businesses should think from the perspective of customers. They (enterprises) should not use any fancy domain name and do proper research/study on possible keywords that could help them in promoting their brand, better.
Besides, please note that ‘word of mouth marketing’ is another great tool, used by people for sharing experiences about a brand, product or service with others (friends and acquaintances). Everyone may not bookmark the domain name/website for reference later; furthermore, the pronunciation of long domain names would be another difficult thing, for many. Thus, the enterprises should try keeping their business domain names short so that people could easily type, pronounce and remember/memorize it.
Short domain names are (registered and) ‘easily taken up’ by businesses, most of the times. And, possibilities are galore that some may not get the desired domain name, they want. Thus, it is important that businesses always keep the alternative names ready, for use, in case the other ‘short domain’ names have already been taken by others.
And, here, are a few points (in a nutshell) finally that would be of help while choosing a good domain name-
- Do research on top keywords (and synonyms) based on your brand/products/services. And try to get the best match out of it
- Go for Top-Level/TLD (.com) domains, mostly
- Try to keep domain name/business name almost similar
- Keep your domain name unique; however, without infringing copyright laws
- Make the domain name short, easy to type, pronounce and remember/memorize
- Avoid using abbreviations/acronyms, punctuation marks, and other symbols
Domain names are your unique identity on the online world. Thus, do not make hasty decisions. For queries and consultation, you can always seek WE3LABS.